Introducing our new dosing system

by | Apr 2, 2024

Announcing our new ‘Plug & Play’ fuel additive dosing system – we take care of everything, from unit design, manufacturing, installation & customer after care.

It’s never been easier to add Aderco to your fuel onsite.

Having this system allows for:

✅ automatic dosing onsite during fuel delivery.

✅ risk-free dosing and additive management.

✅ mitigation of problems with biofuels or future fuel challenges.

✅ real-time live monitoring and data for auditing.

✅ SMS & emails notifications for restocking.

✅ 205 litre drum treats 4.1m litres of fuel.

This ‘plug & play’ solution simplifies & accelerates your decarbonisation journey.

And it opens up your options…and who doesn’t like options?!

Contact us for more details.

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